Global Communities Ghana directly partners local leaders, governments, international organizations and the private sector to deliver solutions to urgent challenges while building resilience for strong futures.
294,952 +
people have access to household sanitation facilities
211,112 +
people have access to safe water
900 +
Open Defecation-Free (ODF) communities

Our Work
Global Communities Ghana is a leading humanitarian organization working at the nexus of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), sustainable development, and financial inclusion with over a decade of making of impact.
Our focus:
- Access to safe water
- Improved sanitation
- Promotion of social and behavioral change
- Menstrual hygiene management
- WASH in institutions (schools and health care facilities)
- Strategic partnerships
We thrive on partnerships
We cannot change the world alone, so we partner donors, public and private sectors to create the change we want to see.
Global Communities Ghana attributes most of at the community level successes to the Government of Ghana through Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) and agencies.
The private sector and social enterprises have also been instrumental in promoting WASH in health and educational institutions, and communities