A functional latrine in one week

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) has drastically improved sanitation and hygiene in Ghana’s Zangu-Vuga community. Prior to the USAID-supported WASH for Health Project, basic sanitation was a formidable challenge, as there were no household or communal latrines in the area. Community members typically practiced open defecation and disposed of refuse indiscriminately. Stagnant waste water created ‘mini…

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Saving Lives with a Little Soap and Water: New Behavior Change Communication Package promotes healthy hygiene practices

Imagine saving 5,000 lives. This is one of many things that the Government of Ghana and its non-profit and private-sector partners hope to accomplish by promoting improved water, sanitation and hygiene behaviors, like handwashing. According to UNICEF, more than 10,000 children in Ghana die each year from preventable diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia. To address…

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Holistic Menstrual Hygiene Management in Ghana

Visually and hearing impaired girls with BeGirl Period Panties during the MHM education session

For a visually or hearing impaired girl in a deprived community, menstruation is not just the monthly flow of blood. It is a burden of understanding why she has to bleed, communicating her discomfort associated with the bleeding, accessing user-friendly and hygienic sanitary materials, and determining when next ‘Miss Red’ will rear her head. Girls…

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